Who we are

Mission Statement: McMinnville Covenant Church is a community of believers from various backgrounds, celebrating our unity in Jesus Christ through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, seeking to know, love and worship God; so that, through a vital relationship with Jesus Christ, we can: Love and care for each other and our neighbors, near and far; Mend and heal broken lives; Equip each other through the teaching of God's Word; and Send God's people to communicate His love to the world.

Prayerful: After identifying together as a church body the particular gifts the Spirit has given us to serve one another and the broader community, we developed a short list of areas where we sense that God has already been moving among us and where God is calling us to lean into even further:

  • Welcome non-believers, those seeking a church home, and those rediscovering Jesus into God’s family.

  • Equip children and youth for life-long discipleship in partnership with families.

  • Enrich congregational life as generations worship, connect, and learn together.

  • Serve the needs of our neighbors for Kingdom impact, in cooperation with others.

  • Strengthen a culture of peace and reconciliation within our church and community.

Pastors and Staff

  • Rev. Ted Yuen

    Lead Pastor

  • Rev. Mark Stuckey

    Associate Pastor for Youth and Worship

  • Ashley Payne-Samaniego

    Children's Ministries Coordinator

  • Rachel Payne

    Church Administrator

  • Erin Kendrick

    Communications Coordinator

  • Karen Nygren

    Parish Nurse

Leadership Team

Bob Wolcott and Gloria Foltz | Co-Chairs
Melanie Turnbull | Vice Chair
Connie Kuyoth | Secretary
Mark Bierly | Financial Officer
Robert DeMaster
Helen Morse
Mike Pace

From left to right: Robert DeMaster, Bob Walcott,
Ted Yuen, Gloria Foltz, Mike Pace, Melanie Turnbull,
Mark Bierly, Helen Morse, Connie Kuyoth.

Our Denomination


The Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) is a growing multiethnic denomination in the United States and Canada with ministries on five continents. Founded in 1885 by Swedish immigrants, the ECC values the Bible as the word of God, the gift of God's grace and ever-deepening spiritual life that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, the importance of extending God's love and compassion to a hurting world, and the strength that comes from unity within diversity. We join God in God's mission to seek more disciples, among more populations, in a more caring and just world.

Within the Evangelical Covenant Church, we are a part of the Pacific Northwest Conference, a regional conference of the larger denomination. The Pacific Northwest Conference represents the Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana churches and provides leadership, guidance, and accountability to our various church communities.